Friday, March 26, 2010

Colorful Regards - Meet Foxy Moxy

It feels as though I should introduce myself for those who stumble upon my musings but haven't otherwise come across me in real life or on the web. I'm known best as "Foxy Moxy" which is my burlesque performance name as well as the pen name I've used for all my published writings. In addition, it's a public persona that I propagate via humorous TV commercials for a local craft brew store/wine bar. I also perform there sometimes, too. It's not uncommon to be bent over in my front yard, digging in the dirt and have a car cruise by with joyful shouts of "It's Foxy Moxy" coming from inside. I laugh every time.

I'm a Southern small-town transplant (originally from PA) and had some dubious feelings about moving here 5+ years ago. I was just beginning to enjoy real notoriety as a performer back in Pittsburgh and was pretty sure I wouldn't find much welcoming here in the bosom of the bible belt. Instead, to my amazement, nothing could be further from the truth! Opportunities have come from all over, pretty much since my arrival. I've been able to flourish artistically in more directions than I might have ever imagined and I attribute that to being here, the right place at the right time.

The other thing looming large in my artsy ambitions is bodypainting. My partner/fiancee Scott and I met because of it and our tale was recently broadcast nationally on NPR's "The Story with Dick Gordon" and worldwide via Sirius Satellite Radio. We have the current Guinness World Record for "Most Painted Bodies" and are also newly competitive champions, placing 3rd of 70 artists from 18 countries in Las Vegas at The North American Bodypainting Championships. We were the top-finishing Americans in our category. We're planning to attend The World Bodypainting Festival in Seeboden, Austria for the first time this year, with great anticipation! Oh, and we do theatrical productions together too, oftentimes involving bodypaint.

I feel gifted by the life I lead and the wealth of loving support from my partner, family and friends. Because of the work I do, the tendency is to meet other people who are often as diversely talented as they are downright interesting and quirky. I'll be certain to share these folks with you along with my other exploits. I hope you enjoy, are intrigued by, outraged over, titillated or entertained by what you find here. I'll endeavor to share all the juiciest bits, so keep reading. This is a slice of my life, in color!

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